(Another) new blog publishing system

A reflection on where I've got to with blog publishing systems, my desire to take notes, and how to organise and view the things I write.

Blogging platforms are a bit of a curiosity for me. I've spent ages trying to find the right combinations of tools so that I enjoy the process of writing. Obviously, this means that I've created lots of self-imposed restrictions on what tools I can use, how they work, what they interact with and what sort of site they deliver. In some ways I've become a little obsessed in the process of writing notes, blogs, articles and other things, to the extent that the writing itself has suffered.

So in this article, I'm going to try to outline where I've been and where I'm trying to get to, with all the little adventures and missteps along the way. It might help you to avoid my mistakes.

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Part 2 - Exploring the Haskell Applicative Functor

Part 2 of a 3 part series about Functors, Applicatives and Monads

The is part of a 3 part series of Functors, Applicatives and Monads in Haskell: So in the last installment we looked at . This time, we're going to explore what an is. is.. This time, we're going to explore what an is. is. Obviously, it's a Haskell typeclass (again), but what actually an Applicative. an Applicative. The wikipedia is quite detailed: Phew!? Well, we've not covered yet, so let's not yet, Let's

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Part 1 - Exploring the Haskell Functor

Part 1 of a series exploring Functors, Applicatives and Monads

The is part of a 3 part series of Functors, Applicatives and Monads in Haskell:

So this article is a workthrough of what a Functor is, as I try to develop an intuition for what they are. The Wikipedia definition is a little opaque, unless you have a really good grasp of mathematics, and in particular, Category Theory:

But what does this actually mean?

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Functors, Applicatives and Monads in Haskell

Overview of a 3 part series of posts on Functors, Applicatives and Monads.

This is a collection of articles exploring Monads, but starting with Functors and Applicatives. They are my exploration of the laws (in Haskell) for these typeclasses and also how I built an intuition about they really are. This makes them easier to reason about and, thus, use them in anger. they really are. This makes them easier to reason about and, thus, use them in anger.

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